I'm not so sure about this daily posting stuff. This will require me to be witty everyday. That's not such an easy task. There's kind of a lull right now, show wise. Can't get to any of the shows this weekend or next weekend in TICAland. The next show where Polar and Frosty will be is the show in Phoenix over Easter weekend.
The show last weekend in Cabazon was a blast. It was very relaxed and fun. Polar finaled in 10 out of 12 rings, including 6 bests. Frosty finaled in 11 out of 12 rings. Not too shabby. I love showing those two cats. For a whole male, Frosty is so easy going and laid back. Too laid back sometimes. He's practically narcoleptic in the show ring. :-)
It's been quite awhile since Polar and Frosty supremed. So......I can brag about friend's cats instead. This will happen from time to time. If you have a show brag or announcement and I actually like you, I will post about it hear at the Daily Meow.
Big congrats to:
SGCA Ymir Rak My Soul, a Norwegian Forest Cat, owned and bred by Judy McNally of the Great Lakes Region. "Flip" achieved supreme status on February 23rd. Kay DeVilbiss was the lucky judge who supremed "Flip".
SGC Arohanui BC Tiponi, a LaPerm, owned by Jerrie Wolfe of the Mid Pacific Region. "Tipi" is the 1st whole LaPerm to supreme. "Tipi" achieved supreme status on March 1st at the Cabazon show. I personally was there to witness this one. Vickie Shields was the lucky judge to go down in LaPerm history.
Congratulations to Judy and Jerrie. Both cats were well deserving of their newly acquired status.
Also, another type of congratulations are in order. Two very dear friends were approved to start training to become judges in TICA. Big hugs and congratulations to Canie Brooks and Sharon Kalani for embarking down that long road to becoming a judge.
As we go into the final two months of the season, lets remember that it's just a cat show. Do points, titles and position mean more to you than friends? Do you really have to be number one? Is it worth the health, mental and physical, of the cat? Just something to consider. It is so easy to get caught up in the moment and excitement. And it's so easy to forget about what is truly important.
More tomorrow.....I have to prepare for a meeting at the Escondido Humane Society tonight. That's something else that you'll hear about fairly regularly. I am on the planning committee for the Humane Society's annual black tie dinner.
So......meow for now