Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's over........for 3 weeks

Well, we did it. We made it through the last weekend of the show season. What a weekend. It was one of the more fun shows this year. Why? What made this show so different from any other? Well.............where to begin.

First, Jon was finally able to travel to one of the out of town shows. He's still hurting, but he's on the mend.

Second, Coatimondi Cat Club always puts on a great show. Thanks to Bobbie and crew for a fun weekend.

Third, people actually made me think that I'm a good cook with all the compliments about my guacamole and the pasta dish. I promise to post recipes for both shortly.

And lastly, Frosty and Polar did great. Some of the finest cats in the world were in competition this weekend in Tucson. It was almost like being at the Annual. Both Frosty and Polar were facing about 10 of the top 20 in their respective classes. And......they both managed to hold their own quite nicely. Frosty spent the rather warm weekend sleeping away the hours, both in the benching and judging cages. Yes, I really do think that Frosty is narcoleptic. :-) You have to see him in the judging cages to understand.

It is such validation to go into a show like the one this weekend and to be able to hold your own. Frosty and Polar went head to head with the best cats in the world and did fabulous. Overall for the show, Frosty finished 5th out of 60 cats and Polar finished 9th out of 33 cats. What tickled me the most about Polar's finals is that judges who have never used him before finaled him. I told each judge who finaled Polar, "thank you for including me in this group." It was an honor to be with these cats in a final.

Now all we have to do is to wait and hold our breaths for the final tabulations from the EO. We're hoping that Frosty held onto his footing in the top 20 longhair cats internationally. We're pretty confident that he will hold on to Best of Breed Siberian for the 2nd year. He should finish 3rd Best Cat in the region. We know that Painted Pony is safe as an International HHPK, probably 9th and Polar will be the International Best of Breed American Bobtail alter again for the 2nd year running as well as 4th Best Alter in the region. Time will tell.

And now it all starts over again. The Albuquerque show is in two weeks, which we can't go to. Then the Arcadia show is on May 18th. It will be fun. In addition to showing Polar again this year, it looks like we'll be bringing out some new faces....Thunder, a JJ/Snowy baby, maybe a Frosty baby. Mr Frosty Paws will get the summer off and probably hit the circuit again come the fall. He's worked so hard and done so well, Jon's going to give him a vacation.

There is so much to cover, I'm thinking that there are going to be a few meows today.

meow for now,